Keymap configuration

RMK supports configuring the default keymap at the compile time. Keymap in RMK is a 3-D matrix of KeyAction, which represent the keyboard's action after you trigger a physical key. The 3 dimensions are the number of columns, rows and layers.

The default keymap should be defined at a Rust source file, rmk-template provides an initial which could be a good example of defining keymaps in RMK:

fn main() {
use rmk::action::KeyAction;
use rmk::{a, k, layer, mo};
pub(crate) const COL: usize = 3;
pub(crate) const ROW: usize = 4;
pub(crate) const NUM_LAYER: usize = 2;

pub static KEYMAP: [[[KeyAction; COL]; ROW]; NUM_LAYER] = [
        [k!(AudioVolUp), k!(B), k!(AudioVolDown)],
        [k!(Kp4), k!(LShift), k!(Kp6)],
        [mo!(1), k!(Kp2), k!(Kp3)],
        [mo!(1), a!(No), k!(Kp0)]
        [k!(Kp7), k!(Kp8), k!(Kp9)],
        [k!(Kp4), k!(LCtrl), k!(Kp6)],
        [mo!(1), k!(Kp2), k!(Kp3)],
        [mo!(1), a!(No), k!(Kp0)]

First of all, the keyboard matrix's basic info(number of rows, cols and layers) is defined as consts:

fn main() {
pub(crate) const COL: usize = 3;
pub(crate) const ROW: usize = 4;
pub(crate) const NUM_LAYER: usize = 2;

Then, the keymap is defined as a static 3-D matrix of KeyAction:

fn main() {
pub static KEYMAP: [[[KeyAction; COL]; ROW]; NUM_LAYER] = [

A keymap in RMK is a 3-level hierarchy: layer - row - column. Each keymap is a slice of layers whose length is NUM_LAYER. Each layer is a slice of rows whose length is ROW, and each row is a slice of KeyActions whose length is COL.

RMK provides a bunch of macros which simplify the keymap definition a lot. You can check all available macros in RMK doc. For example, layer! macro is used to define a layer. k! macro is used to define a normal key in the keymap. If there is no actual key at a position, you can use a!(No) to represent KeyAction::No.