Use keyboard.toml

The generated should be like:

fn main() {
use crate::keymap::KEYMAP;
use rmk::macros::rmk_keyboard;

mod keyboard {}

There's a macro rmk_keyboard that does the magic for you. This macro will automatically read the keyboard.toml in your project root and generate all boilerplate code for you.

There're steps you have to do to customize your own firmware:

Edit keyboard.toml

The generated keyboard.toml should have some fields configured from cargo generate. But there are still some fields that you want to fill, such as the pin matrix, led config, etc. The Keyboard Configuration section has full instructions of how to write your own keyboard.toml. Follow the doc and report any issues/questions at We appreciate your feedback!

Update memory.x

memory.x is the linker script of Rust embedded project, it's used to define the memory layout of the microcontroller. RMK enables memory-x feature for embassy-stm32, so if you're using stm32, you can just ignore this step.

For other ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers, you only need to update the LENGTH of FLASH and RAM to your microcontroller. You can either checkout your microcontroller's datasheet or existing Rust project of your microcontroller for it.

Add your own layout

The next step is to add your own keymap layout for your firmware. RMK supports vial app, an open-source cross-platform(windows/macos/linux/web) keyboard configurator. So the vial like keymap definition has to be imported to the firmware project.

Fortunately, RMK does most of the heavy things for you, all you need to do is to create your own keymap definition and convert it to vial.json following vial's doc here, and place it at the root of the firmware project, replacing the default one. RMK would do all the rest things for you.

Add your default keymap

Default keymap config should be moved to keyboard.toml, but it's just not done yet. PRs welcome!

After adding the layout of your keyboard, the default keymap should also be updated. The default keymap is defined in src/, update keyboard matrix constants and KEYMAP according to your keyboard. RMK provides a bunch of useful macros helping you define your keymap. Check out keymap_configuration chapter for more details.